Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 614, p. 39, on Jan. 20 The ocean corridors, dominated by the US after the Second World War and the end of the Cold War, have been and are still one of the main causes of wars and influence among international […]

The conflict on the maritime corridors between the Mediterranean and ...

Huffington Post Greece – Jan. 14, 2018 With the completion of the Turkish business “Shield of the Euphrates,” a number of Turkish officials, mainly President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, confirmed that Turkey would not end its military operations, but that was rather a prelude to the start of a new operation. […]

The last hours before the Battle of Afrin

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 611, p. 39, on Dec. 29, 2017 The Cold War between NATO and Russia Rebounds Dynamically Over the last five years there has been an increase in tension and military expansion from US-led NATO countries on the one hand and Russia […]

The roaring “bear”

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 610, p. 45, on Dec. 22, 2017 Yes, the US has succeeded, through the International Coalition to Fight ISIS alongside Iraqi government forces and Al-Hashd al-Sha’abi, the Kurdish militias, the Russian forces and the various foreign paramilitary groups and the militias […]

Terror knocks the door of the West

Huffington Post Greece – Dec. 16, 2017 The Kurds in Syria account for about 10% of the population. Most of them are scattered in the north and northeast of Syria. The city of Hasakah is their capital. The Kurds have been persecuted by the Syrian regime since the 1970s. Many […]

The Future of the Syrian Kurds

Paraskinio – issue 609, p. 47, Dec. 16, 2017 For nearly two months, Washington is examining the case of Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab about his role in breaking the economic embargo imposed by Washington and the United Nations on Iran for its nuclear program. But the details of the case […]

Reza Zarrab: from an accused, a witness

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 608, p. 55, on Dec. 9, 2017 The old world continues to regress between the various crises like Brexit, the quest for the secession of Catalonia and its internal economic and political problems. These directly and indirectly affect the international balance […]

Europe in the whirl of crises

Al-Quds Al-Arabi – issue 9020, p. 21, Nov. 28, 2017 Yes … the Syrian revolution has been betrayed by all the international partners and the Arab brothers. Yes … minorities clung to the sectarian monster at the expense of freedom and democracy. Yes … the Syrian people knew that the […]

The last line of hope

The atmosphere in Lebanon is electrified in the last two weeks after the announcement of the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri from Riyadh. Although, according to Reuters, the resignation was made under pressure from Saudi Arabia, it is certain that its timing is not accidental if we take […]

The war against Hezbollah, the international factor and the role ...

Paraskinio – Nov. 11, 2017, issue 602, p. 47 In recent days, there have been various developments in the wider Middle East region. The announcement by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri of his resignation from Riyadh early last week was a major shock inside the Lebanese administration which was surprised […]

The “Cold War” in the Middle East

Paraskinio – issue 602, p. 46, Nov. 4, 2017 Nine months after Donald Trump took over as the leader of the White House, investigator Robert Mueller began to publish his first research on the influence of Moscow in the recent US presidential election. This information indicates the direct and indirect […]

Putin’s “chess” – Russia’s role in the Middle East and ...