Al-Quds Al-Arabi – July 09, 2020, issue 9959, p. 21 With the announcement of the appointment of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi as head of the new Iraqi government, various scenarios began to be adopted and dreams were drawn beyond any reality or even knowledge of the past and present of this tired […]
The moving sand between the two rivers – Dec. 09 , 2019 In a large US operation that included eight helicopters, two F-16 planes and Delta Force unit, Washington was able to kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the Islamic State, who was the most attentive of all the former team leaders, most importantly the […]
Middle East: Two scenarios after the assassination of al-Baghdadi

Defence & Security Alert magazine – July, 2019
Terrorism: Genesis and Trajectory – Apr. 20, 2019 The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) supported by the International Coalition for Combating Terrorism recently announced full control over the areas controlled by the Islamic State in eastern Syria, with the end of the Baghuz battle, which lasted more than three months. Following this victory, Washington […]
Islamic State: The end of an era or the beginning ...

Al-Quds Al-Arabi – Oct. 01, 2018, issue 9322, p. 21 The observer of political affairs must stay out of emotions so as to be able to see the full picture of the political climate and the conventions associated with it. This does not in any way mean that the researcher […]
The mist in Sochi covers Idlib

Huffington Post Greece – Aug. 08, 2018 American-Turkish relations have clearly deteriorated recently due to the imprisonment of the American pastor in Turkey. The problem began since Donald Trump took over the leadership of the White House and called upon the release of the pastor at his first meeting with […]
Where are American-Turkish relations going?

Al-Quds Al-Arabi – Aug. 02, 2018, issue 9263 Beyond the standards of world powers, Israel is the composer of all sorts of conflicts and crises in the Middle East, the region that directly affects the world in terms of energy, stability, and religion. The presence of Israel in the heart […]
The summit in Helsinki and the reins in Tel Aviv

Al-Quds Al-Arabi – Apr. 28, 2018, issue 9168, p. 21 It is certain that the Russian-Iranian relations are a matter of mutual interest. The support provided by Moscow to Tehran during the Iran nuclear program talks concerned mainly two points: First: Tehran is one of the most important countries hostile […]
Russian-Iranian relations after the trilateral strike

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 614, p. 39, on Jan. 20 The ocean corridors, dominated by the US after the Second World War and the end of the Cold War, have been and are still one of the main causes of wars and influence among international […]