Huffington Post Greece – Aug. 08, 2018 American-Turkish relations have clearly deteriorated recently due to the imprisonment of the American pastor in Turkey. The problem began since Donald Trump took over the leadership of the White House and called upon the release of the pastor at his first meeting with […]

Where are American-Turkish relations going?

Huffington Post Greece – Jan. 14, 2018 With the completion of the Turkish business “Shield of the Euphrates,” a number of Turkish officials, mainly President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, confirmed that Turkey would not end its military operations, but that was rather a prelude to the start of a new operation. […]

The last hours before the Battle of Afrin

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 610, p. 45, on Dec. 22, 2017 Yes, the US has succeeded, through the International Coalition to Fight ISIS alongside Iraqi government forces and Al-Hashd al-Sha’abi, the Kurdish militias, the Russian forces and the various foreign paramilitary groups and the militias […]

Terror knocks the door of the West

Huffington Post Greece – Dec. 16, 2017 The Kurds in Syria account for about 10% of the population. Most of them are scattered in the north and northeast of Syria. The city of Hasakah is their capital. The Kurds have been persecuted by the Syrian regime since the 1970s. Many […]

The Future of the Syrian Kurds

Al-Quds Al-Arabi – issue 9020, p. 21, Nov. 28, 2017 Yes … the Syrian revolution has been betrayed by all the international partners and the Arab brothers. Yes … minorities clung to the sectarian monster at the expense of freedom and democracy. Yes … the Syrian people knew that the […]

The last line of hope

Huffington Post Greece – Oct. 16, 2017 Over the past two months, several articles have been published in the international press that talked about the victory of Assad in his war against his people who revolted against him in early 2011. These articles began to spread especially after the fall […]

Ephialtes of Damascus

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 598, p. 40, on Sept. 30, 2017 In recent weeks, we have seen a rapid progress of Russia in the Syrian arena  and its allies on the one hand, and of America and the Kurds on the other. Russia has increased […]

The Syrian East will host the post-terrorism struggle

Huffington Post Greece – Sept. 20, 2017 During the seven years of the Syrian crisis, countless crimes have been committed to date. The documentation of these crimes was dangerous from the outset. Because of this danger, it was difficult for foreign reporters to enter the Syrian territory, since the Assad […]

“Extinguishing” the crimes of the Assad regime against the Syrian ...

Huffington Post Greece – Sept. 6, 2017 A few days ago, the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah announced the signing of an agreement with the Assad regime in Syria the handing over of the Lebanese border region Jroud by ISIS. In return, ISIS would give back the corpses of eight Lebanese […]

ISIS-Hezbollah agreement: what really hides, how it is interpreted and ...

Huffington Post Greece – Aug. 28, 2017 Since the beginning of August there has been a gradual increase in the number of refugees arriving from Turkey to the Greek islands. The number of entrants has reached about 2.400, while only on the 21st and the 22nd of the month it […]

The exploitation of refugee card in the Turkey-EU conflict

Originally published in the Greek weekly newspaper “Paraskinio”, issue 593, p. 16, on August 26, 2017 “A visit of great importance”. This is how the Turkish and Iranian media describe the visit of the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army, Major general Mohammad Bagheri to Ankara. The visit was […]

The importance of the visit of the Iranian commander Mohammad ...

Paraskinio – 19/08/2017, issue 592, p. 34 I have used the term “Creative Chaos” many times in my articles to describe the way the US handles its international affairs, despite the fact that it is rejected by some analysts and intellectuals as a conspiracy theory. Reality, however, confirms that all […]

The US “Creative Chaos” strategy